advanced manoeuverの例文
heimlich manoeuver
Jason always tries to play on to Gary's grandmother, be it by performing the Heimlich manoeuver on her or seeing her to the bathroom or wiping her spillings and sucking her toes, the latte......

But as described before, overtaking is not an easy manoeuver. After the taking of Lille, Turenne only undertook one further manoeuver. The ships had had no time to practice the normal flee......

there is enough space for manoeuver
There is enough space for manoeuver .

time to manoeuver
Without time to manoeuver, the ship was struck in the bow torpedo room.

1292 advanced programmable video system
The Signetics 2636 video processors were first used in the 1976 Radofin 1292 Advanced Programmable Video System. Philips had also designed the more powerful Interton VC 4000 console family......

5 advanced ordnance depot
"' 5 Advanced Ordnance Depot "'( 5 AOD ) was a short lived Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps and Royal New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps combined Depot in Singapore 1970 to 1971.

5at advanced technology steam locomotive
The idea was formalised in 2001 by the formation of 5AT Project dedicated to developing and building the 5AT Advanced Technology Steam Locomotive, but it never received any major railway b......

747 advanced
In early 2004, Boeing announced tentative plans for the 747 Advanced that were eventually adopted. However, in early 2004, Boeing announced tentative plans for the 747 Advanced that were e......

a advanced
In 2010, Matt pitched for the Class A Advanced Charlotte Stone Crabs. Students in the department participate in community skywarn programs as advance spotters. In the centre, the attackers......

aaav advanced amphibious assault vehicle
Deutch had been looking at the potential for cancelling, stretching out or cutting back 10 major weapons programs, including such things as the Air Force's F-22 fighter jet, the Army's Com......

aac advanced audio coding
Aac advanced audio coding

aachen institute for advanced study in computational engineering science
The Aachen Institute for advanced study in Computational Engineering Science ( AICES ) is a graduate school established in 2006 at the RWTH Aachen University.

academy for advanced academics
The Academy for Advanced Academics is considered one of the most rigorous programs in the MDCPS system. The "'Academy for Advanced Academics "'( AAA ) is a SACS accredited dual-enrollment ......

actv advanced compatible television
Actv advanced compatible television

adds advanced data display system
Adds advanced data display system

adelaide college of advanced education
She started playing for Adelaide College of Advanced Education in 1977. Piltz commenced a Diploma of Teaching at the Adelaide College of Advanced Education in 1976 and then completed a Bac......

adopt advanced technique
It adopts advanced technique and managing strategy , search with great concentration and fabricate with delicate crafts Because of the technology gap , every country can adopt advanced tec......

adopt advanced techniques
It adopts advanced technique and managing strategy , search with great concentration and fabricate with delicate crafts Because of the technology gap , every country can adopt advanced tec......

Nigeria appears to have advanced further than Cameroon at this stage. Spain advanced to the second round by playing the waiting game. Brazil was already qualified to advance and Sweden was......

advanced 3d
Afterwards it evolved towards a more general and advanced 3D data processing software. Advanced 3D artists can export high resolution models rigged for animation. Nescaf?used advanced 3D t......

advanced a league
At that season, the club had also established a youth branch and some of the youth teams managed to advance a league for their first season. At first all the boats advanced a league forwar......

advanced ability center
The Advanced Ability Center closed in 1984, two years after opening. The Advanced Ability Center was established by Hubbard's personal auditor Miscavige's organization. The Advanced Abilit......

advanced abstract
There are no advance abstracts on these featured events. The gallery closed after only two years, but made a historic contribution in advancing abstract art in Chicago. Geometric abstracti......

advanced academy
Some, like the Advanced Academy of Georgia and The Clarkson School, are special programs within larger colleges. In 1881, Rabbi Ziv returned to Kelm, where the Talmud Torah became an advan......

advanced academy of georgia
Some, like the Advanced Academy of Georgia and The Clarkson School, are special programs within larger colleges. The "'Advanced Academy of Georgia "'is an early college entrance program at......